Backbends Everyday

It is probably no surprise that back pain is a leading cause in disability worldwide. Some causes of back pain include muscle or ligament strain, bulging or ruptured disks, arthritis, skeletal irregularities, and osteoporosis. Risk factors for back pain include old age, lack of exercise, excess weight, disease, improper lifting, psychological conditions and smoking.

Experts believe that you can prevent back pain with exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. Something that is great for back pain is yoga! Doing daily stretches for your back can help significantly reduce pain. You should not wait until after you get back pain to do yoga however. Start early! Do something everyday…even if it is ten minutes.

Some poses that are beneficial to back pain are as follows: cat, cow, downdog, child’s pose, sphinx, cobra, thread the needle, and supine twist (reference image guides). There are other poses that can help but these are in my opinion, the easiest to do by yourself without much help. Another thing I want to stress is using yoga accessories, such as blocks and the yoga wheel, to help with back flexibility. Blocks may be placed at various spots on the back for passive stretching while the yoga wheel helps with your entire back. They are definitely worth the investment. You can find many videos on YouTube on using blocks and the yoga wheel.

I do some sort of back stretch everyday myself. I do cat, cow, puppy, cobra, camel, wheel, and supine twists during my daily practice. It is so important to me that I take the time to focus on my back. I do not want to be plagued with back problems later in life so I am putting in the work now to prevent injury later. Everyone can benefit from back stretches so give it a try!

