Making Time for Personal Practice
First, I want to start off saying that I do yoga everyday. It may not be the same amount/ intensity everyday, but I try to at least carve out an hour each night to do something. I have discovered that I do not feel one hundred percent myself when I skip my yoga routine so it is just better if I do it no matter how I feel at the end of the day.
It is difficult to make time for my own personal practice because I am not solely focused on yoga when it comes to my workout routine. I also do CrossFit and run. This particular combination of physical activity tires me out because they are both strenuous. However, yoga helps me recover and it is honestly my passion. Thus, I work it into my everyday routine. Sometimes, my practice consists of deep stretches and other times, I do handstands and power postures. It just depends on how I am feeling that day.
When I am not feeling particularly motivated, I usually just turn on some music and it gets me in the mood to practice some yoga. Other times, I go outside and do it out there. Find what motivates you. Sometimes, all it takes is rolling out your mat and stepping onto it. I never regret my practice so I remind myself of that everyday. It is what keeps me constant especially during stressful situations, such as travel. Even when I do not have a yoga mat with me, I do not let that stop me. I have been known to put a towel on the floor of hotel rooms so I can practice yoga….true story. In the end, if it is truly important to you, you will find a way and make the time.